Tarot cards and
crystal reading

Discover the mystical world of Tarot with Shirromanii, where ancient wisdom meets modern insight. Owned and operated by the gifted Praggati A Verma, our tarot card reading services are designed to illuminate your path, providing guidance and clarity for your life’s journey.


Information obtained during the consultation is private.

Result guarantee

We provide a guaranteed 100% result


We only take on issues that we can solve


Tarot is a powerful tool for transformation

Embark on a transformative journey with Numerology experts Shirromanii and Praggati A Verma. Uncover the power of numbers to decode your life path, understand your purpose, and embrace personal transformation. Let Numerology guide you to a more enlightened and empowered self.

Learned their destiny
0 k
Predictions last week
Years of experience


Unfold the mysteries of
the universe

Personalized Tarot Readings

Uncover the secrets of your past, present, and future with our personalized tarot card readings. Praggati A Verma harnesses the power of the cards to provide you with deep insights and answers to your most pressing questions.

Relationship Guidance

Whether you're navigating the complexities of love or seeking harmony in your relationships, our tarot readings offer valuable insights into the dynamics at play, helping you make informed decisions.

Career and Life Path Insights

Gain clarity on your career and life path with our specialized tarot readings. Praggati A Verma taps into the energies surrounding your professional journey, offering guidance to help you achieve your goals.

Spiritual Awakening Sessions

Embark on a spiritual journey with our tarot readings designed to guide you towards self-discovery and spiritual enlightenment. Praggati A Verma's intuitive abilities provide a unique and transformative experience.


Book Your Reading Today!

Unlock the mysteries of your life with Shirromanii Tarot Readings. Book a session with Praggati A Verma and embark on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and enlightenment.